Additional Qualification

Three-Session Additional Qualifications

Three-Session Additional Qualifications

Expand your knowledge and skills within a particular discipline or division. OISE three-Session Additional Qualification programs (Schedule D) are offered as Part1, Part 2 and Part 3/Specialist courses.

Designed to help educators adapt to changing curriculum, incorporate current research and integrate technology into daily teaching practices to meet the needs of a variety of learners, these Additional Qualifications equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to advance in your teaching career.

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What You’ll Learn

Part 1 courses develop the skills and knowledge needed by teachers to design, deliver and assess programs within a particular discipline or division.

Part 2 expands upon the skills and knowledge developed in Part 1.

Part 3/Specialist courses extend and reinforce the knowledge and skills from Part 1 and Part 2 with a specific focus on the development of leadership skills within the discipline or division.

Who Should Enroll in these Courses

These courses are for all Ontario Certified Teachers who want to expand their knowledge and skill within a particular discipline or division.

Most Commonly Related Occupations

Ontario Teachers

Qualification Overview

Program Length

3 months


Online or Blended

Class Size

Under 30 Learners

Course Duration

125 Hours



Total Investment

$749 per course
(HST Exempt)

Available Courses

Do you have an interest in teaching experiential learning? Enrolling in the Cooperative Education Part 1 AQ will provide candidates with an overview of the Cooperative Education program as well as opportunities to learn about the basic roles, responsibilities, foundations and skills associated with teaching experiential learning. In addition, this course will allow candidates to connect with colleagues to discuss issues and ideas from various boards and geographical regions of the province. At the conclusion of the course, candidates will be prepared with many of the necessary teaching and learning strategies to navigate this unique program. If you want to assist students with learning through experience, this course is for you!

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Build on your knowledge of experiential learning through the Cooperative Education Part 2 AQ. This course will provide candidates with a more comprehensive exploration of Cooperative Education and will include many strategies for success in creating programs to meet the needs of all learners. Candidates will further their understanding of program planning and student assessment. A particular focus of this course is to network with colleagues and to develop and share resources. Many opportunities will be provided for candidates to reflect and respond to current issues in experiential learning.

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Are you ready to take the next step along your Cooperative Education career path? Prepare for a leadership role in experiential learning through the Cooperative Education, Specialist AQ. This course will provide candidates with a comprehensive understanding, particularly with regards to leadership, of the role of the teacher responsible for implementing cooperative education and other forms of experiential learning. Learn about strategies related to program promotion, developing and enhancing community partnerships, and how to professionally manage and advocate for your program. This practical AQ will enhance your current Co-op teaching practice and will model various strategies to become a leader in experiential learning programs.

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The Teaching English Language Learners course utilizes the understanding of linguistic and sociocultural backgrounds to provide rich scaffolding and a conceptual framework to guide your teaching practice to meet the needs and development of language proficiency and language acquisition of English language learners in the classroom. Emphasis will be placed on inclusive practices and social justice issues that build on the foundation of English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development. Theoretical approaches will be examined and applied to engage in meaningful classroom practice that supports the curriculum expectations. The implementation of programming skills, instructional strategies and tools as well as differentiation methods will be an essential component to ensure the success of all English language learners at varying levels of abilities. An examination of second language teaching techniques will provide awareness and advocacy through adaptations of the learning environment catering to the 21st century learning styles.

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The Teaching English Language Learners course utilizes the understanding of linguistic and sociocultural backgrounds to provide rich scaffolding and a conceptual framework to guide your teaching practice to meet the needs and development of language proficiency and language acquisition of English language learners in the classroom. Emphasis will be placed on inclusive practices and social justice issues that build on the foundation of English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development. Theoretical approaches will be examined and applied to engage in meaningful classroom practice that supports the curriculum expectations. The implementation of programming skills, instructional strategies and tools as well as differentiation methods will be an essential component to ensure the success of all English language learners at varying levels of abilities. An examination of second language teaching techniques will provide awareness and advocacy through adaptations of the learning environment catering to the 21st century learning styles.

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The Teaching English Language Learners course utilizes the understanding of linguistic and sociocultural backgrounds to provide rich scaffolding and a conceptual framework to guide your teaching practice to meet the needs and development of language proficiency and language acquisition of English language learners in the classroom. Emphasis will be placed on inclusive practices and social justice issues that build on the foundation of English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development. Theoretical approaches will be examined and applied to engage in meaningful classroom practice that supports the curriculum expectations. The implementation of programming skills, instructional strategies and tools as well as differentiation methods will be an essential component to ensure the success of all English language learners at varying levels of abilities. An examination of second language teaching techniques will provide awareness and advocacy through adaptations of the learning environment catering to the 21st century learning styles.

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This course provides candidates with the opportunity for further in-depth exploration of the knowledge and skills necessary for the design, delivery and assessment of ESL and ELD programs from J/K to I/S. The course links theory and practice at the micro and macro levels and focus on the following topics: teaching strategies and curriculum design for students in both elementary and secondary schools; identification and placement methods, and tracking processes; in-depth exploration of the research in second language instruction; the use of computer technology in ESL/ELD instruction; assessment and evaluation strategies; socio-cultural issues.

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This course provides candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the role of the ESL/ELD teacher as a leader within both elementary and secondary school systems. It is designed to develop the professional skills of teachers who wish to assume leadership responsibilities in ESL/ELD education. Topics include: socio-political concerns, literacy, anti-racist education, co-operative learning, and theoretical perspectives on teaching the skills of English. All candidates plan a workshop as a culminating activity for the course.

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This is an introductory course that aims at preparing teachers for the three French as a Second Language programs: Core French, Extended French and French Immersion. Throughout the course, candidates will explore theories relevant to the teaching and learning of a second language as per the French as a Second Language curriculum in Ontario. This course will also focus on developing and using teaching strategies necessary to engage students and promote student success in FSL. The course is designed to provide teachers an opportunity to use their knowledge of the French language and culture to plan effectively.

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Guidance and Career Education Part 1 is a foundational course, designed for both the classroom teacher and for the educator who is interested in pursuing a Guidance role in their school board. Guidance and Career Education Part 1 will help teachers apply guidance principles to their classroom teaching, including effective strategies for implementing Creating Pathways to Success and other current policies and programs related to Guidance and Career Education. Opportunities to explore current school issues using instructional approaches such as reflective activities, online research, individual, paired and group tasks, videos, discussion forums, case studies and simulation activities. Topics include Student Success, Counselling Techniques, Caring and Safe Schools, Mental Health, Diversity, Ethical Issues in Guidance, Pathways Planning, Family Systems, as well as Community Supports for issues related to Substance Abuse, Eating Disorders and Destructive Behaviours.

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Guidance and Career Education Part 2 builds on many of the areas explored in Guidance and Career Education Part 1. Guidance and Career Education Part 2 explores new Ministry of Education initiatives, career development processes, school-to-work transitions, co-operative education, career assessment methods and ethical considerations in both individual and group counselling. Issues such as equity, race, and the learning needs of exceptional youth are also covered. As in Part 1, "Creating Pathways to Success" and other Ministry related documents are used as the basis for the course. Instructional methods include counselling techniques, group work, case studies and learning partners. One or two sessions during the course may be used as field studies and will be outlined in class.

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Continuing with topics explored in Guidance and Career Education Parts 1 and 2, this course focuses on opportunities for candidates to become involved in guidance leadership roles in school guidance departments. Candidates concentrate on the changing roles and responsibilities of counsellors as well as leadership in the school. Skills in personal counselling, consultation, co-ordination of services and programs, and the development and delivery of guidance programs are discussed. Instructional methods include: small group research, carousel presentations, personal growth portfolios as well as discussion of issues and dilemmas relevant to guidance and career education. Practical application of technology is also explored, and time is devoted to Ministry documents such as OSR Management, Guidance and Career Education course offerings and Transition planning.

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The Health and Physical Education Additional Qualification Part 2 Course will give all participants an opportunity to further explore Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU). Participants will focus on using descriptive feedback linked specifically to the learning goals and success criteria to best prepare students to be successful in the four games categories. The course examines the three destination courses and how they specifically meet the changing needs of students in the senior grades. Program planning for secondary school based on Ministry of Education documents form the basis of the course.

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The Health and Physical Education Additional Qualification Part 3 Course focuses on how teachers provide leadership to the teaching of HPE. Using the four game categories and healthy living will provide the breadth and depth of the HPE curriculum to meet the needs of all learners. Areas such as the importance of physical fitness, health, and well-being and the factors that contribute to them will be highlighted. Participants will learn how to be agents of change and to advocate for Health and Physical Education at the school level and beyond.

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This course provides an introduction to the use of information and communication technologies in education.

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This course is based on the new three part specialist course designed to address the needs of teachers of full day kindergarten classes. This introductory course will give teachers an overview of the ideal structure for an exemplary full day program. Early years teachers will be given ideas and tools to use with their four and five year old students.

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Building on the knowledge gained in the part 1 Kindergarten course, early years teachers will be exposed to more in depth curriculum and program development aimed at producing an exemplary all day program.

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Building on the knowledge gained in the part 2 Kindergarten course, early years teachers will learn how to: demonstrate leadership in program development aimed at producing exemplary all day programs; build teacher capacity; and advocate for early childhood programs with stakeholders.

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Teacher Librarian Part Two focuses on program planning and collaborative teaching and assessment within the learning commons context described in Together for Learning: School Libraries and the Emergence of the Learning Commons (OSLA, 2010). The emphasis is on developing learning partnerships and on designing performance tasks and curriculum units that foster literacy development, cultivate competencies for inquiry and research, and leverage technology for learning. We explore strategies for creating learning environments that foster collaboration and creativity in the physical and virtual spaces of the school library.

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Mathematics (Primary/Junior) Part 1 offers opportunities to explore a variety of manipulative materials and to develop a balanced, rich, and challenging mathematics program for students in grades 1 to 6. Engage in a variety of modules, discussions, and learning activities in line with the 2020 Mathematics curriculum. An emphasis on the strands of Social-Emotional Learning and Mathematical Processes and Financial Literacy will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to support your students on their learning journeys. The course will also explore current topics such as increasing communication in mathematics, gaining confidence in teaching and learning mathematics, as well as problem-solving skills. 

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Mathematics (Primary/Junior) Part 2 builds on Part I by offering an opportunity to undertake a classroom-centered action research project in mathematics. Engage in a variety of modules, discussions, and learning activities in line with the 2020 Mathematics curriculum. An emphasis on the strands of Social-Emotional Learning, Mathematical Processes, and Financial Literacy will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to support your students on their learning journeys. During the course, you'll have the opportunity to explore research techniques: completing a literature review, setting the problem, designing and implementing the methodology, gathering data, writing, then presenting the research. Collaboratively, you'll learn from the experience of others while studying current and effective learning strategies that improve students' mindsets and abilities in mathematics. 

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Mathematics (Primary/Junior) Part 3 builds on Parts 1 and 2 and focuses on leadership in Primary/Junior mathematics at the board or district level. Explore strategies to implement large scale projects and initiatives in mathematics, and to support teachers' professional learning as they implement the 2020 Mathematics curriculum and improve students' mathematic skills. You'll have the opportunity to undertake a Board- or District-focused action research project in mathematics and practice research techniques: completing a literature review, setting the problem, designing and implementing the methodology, gathering data, writing, then presenting the research. Learning from your own and others' research, you'll leave the course with knowledge and skills to undertake mathematics leadership in K-6 schools.

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Through guided literature exploration, critical professional dialogue, and professional practice exercises, candidates in Reading Part 1 will develop their capacity to help students from kindergarten through grade 12 learn to read, write, and learn.

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Special Education Part 1 provides an overview of special education. This includes an introduction to the various exception alities, working with program planning and delivery challenges, awareness of assistive technology, classroom management skills, as well as knowledge of other issues related to teaching students with special needs in a variety of settings. This course will be of greatest interest to those teachers who wish to deepen their knowledge regarding students with exceptionalities, noting the Ministry of Education's move to greater inclusion. Participants leave the course with a number of valuable resources to enhance their teaching practice.

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Special Education Part 1 provides an overview of special education. This includes an introduction to the various exceptionalities, working with program planning and delivery challenges, awareness of assistive technology, classroom management skills, as well as knowledge of other issues related to teaching students with special needs in a variety of settings. This course will be of greatest interest to those teachers who wish to deepen their knowledge regarding students with exceptionalities, noting the Ministry of Education's move to greater inclusion. Participants leave the course with a number of valuable resources to enhance their teaching practice.

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Welcome to your continuing journey of creating an experienced integrated visual arts program! Dive into the realm of promotion where you will design an advocacy plans to support visual arts education in the school community and beyond! Investigate issues around effective planning as you continue developing classroom implementation strategies and course building abilities. Probe ideas for structuring dynamic, engaging learning environments, increase your maker skills, and refine your philosophical approaches to visual arts education.

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Emphasizing an integrated, collaborative approach, this course aims to remove barriers to emerging technologies for a global vision to student learning. To further develop instructional strategies, you will construct unit plans/courses to encourage student choice and voice as reflected in current curriculum practices and policies. Leadership skills are in the forefront as you continue to refine a personal visual arts philosophy. Engaging in self-directed learning will deepen the knowledge of visual arts production, processes and theories. This course promotes an on-line component and limited access to studio experiences.

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Upcoming Courses

The French as a Second Language, Part 2 course expands and hones the knowledge of second language pedagogy, program planning, assessment and evaluation, and the 21st century learner in the context of the Ontario FSL classroom. Practical strategies and relevant learning materials under study allow course participants to explore pedagogy related to Core, Extended, and Immersion French across all panels.

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The French as a Second Language, Part 3 course equips candidates with solid skill sets that will be of assistance as they pursue leadership opportunities, such as department heads, consultants, teacher trainers, or related roles. In addition to detailed exploration of FSL curricula, relevant Ministry of Education initiatives, latest trends in second language pedagogy, and further relevant material, candidates will develop resources that will be of use to them in their dual role as classroom teacher and teacher-leader. Program planning, assessment and evaluation, and the 21st century learner in the context of the Ontario FSL classroom. Practical strategies and relevant learning materials under study allow course participants to explore pedagogy related to Core, Extended, and Immersion French across all panels.

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The Health and Physical Education Intermediate/Senior Part 1 course offers educators an essential introduction to teaching in this field. Participants will explore core principles, methodologies, and instructional strategies, focusing on lesson planning and assessment tailored to diverse learner needs. Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, learners will develop the foundational skills and knowledge necessary to create inclusive and engaging learning environments, preparing them for continued professional growth in Health and Physical Education.

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Teacher Librarian Part One focuses on the role of the teacher-librarian and the school library learning commons in the instructional program of the school. We explore strategies for engaging readers, supporting inquiry-based learning, developing information literacy, and using technology for learning within a collaborative and cross-curricular teaching program. The foundations of library management - collection development, selection of resources, budgeting and purchasing, and creating an effective learning environment are explored within the context of how they support the learning culture of the school.

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Teacher Librarian Specialist revolves around the role of the teacher-librarian as an instructional leader and partner in school improvement. Emphasis is placed on designing and evaluating programs and learning environments that cultivate the collaborative and inquiry-based approach to learning described in Together for Learning: School Libraries and the Emergence of the Learning Commons (OSLA, 2010). We explore the potential of the library program in developing competencies for learning how to learn and metacognition. The course design calls upon participants to assume the teacher-librarian's leadership role in professional learning networks, in supporting learning communities, and facilitating equitable access for a diverse community of learners.

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In Part 2, candidates who are interested or actively pursuing instructional leadership opportunities in Reading & Literacy will focus on targeted reading assessments and evidence-informed interventions to enable classroom and school-wide teaching & learning practices for literacy development.

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In Reading Specialist, candidates who are actively pursuing or assuming instructional leadership responsibilities in Reading & Literacy will explore and develop strategies to drive school-based and board-based improvements to literacy programs and student outcomes.

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Special Education Part 1 provides an overview of special education. This includes an introduction to the various exceptionalities, working with program planning and delivery challenges, awareness of assistive technology, classroom management skills, as well as knowledge of other issues related to teaching students with special needs in a variety of settings. This course will be of greatest interest to those teachers who wish to deepen their knowledge regarding students with exceptionalities, noting the Ministry of Education's move to greater inclusion. Participants leave the course with a number of valuable resources to enhance their teaching practice.

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Special Education Part 2 delves deeper into the learnings from Part 1. This course has three main themes: (1) the legal implications and applications of the Education Act as it pertains to Special Education, (2) assessment, and (3) enhanced program design for students with exceptionalities. Assessment includes both formal and informal tools, as well as information gathered from observation, assessment and school documents to design effective programs for all students with exceptionalities. Psychological assessments are also studied. This course will interest teachers who want a greater understanding of the field of special education and wish to fine tune their programming skills for their students with special education needs.

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Special Education Part 3 builds on the concepts learned in Parts 1 and 2, as well as assisting teachers in developing appropriate leadership abilities and consultation skills at the school and district levels. Candidates enhance their legal knowledge with the application and administration of current legislation. Other topics covered are innovative approaches to developing structures for programs, learning about their role on the school teams, in-service delivery models, how to co-ordinate community resources, and program assessment and evaluation.

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Consider this course if you would like to broaden your knowledge of visual arts education and are searching for innovative strategies that connect an integrated classroom approach. Explore through collaborative studio experiences the engaging world of the creative process to develop a portfolio of ideas, resources, and exemplars. Design sequential lessons that will reflect student developmental stages, current learning environments and curriculum policies; all while gaining pedagogical confidence. Delivery of this course includes guest artists and an on-line component to further activate the visual arts teacher in you!

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Meet Our Facilitators

Hayley Furii

View Hayley's Bio

Laura Dennis

View Laura's Bio

Robin Persad

View Robin's Bio

Shelby Monaco

View Shelby's Bio

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