Do you struggle with justifying the impact of your training sessions?
Do you wonder how much your learners are able to apply back on the job? Just how effective are your learning interventions? In this course, you will be able to answer the what, why, how, who and when of evaluation through an examination of models, instruments, strategies, and best practices. You will come away equipped with an evaluation toolkit, positioning you as a strong advocate for measuring results of learning and application in the workplace.
Online Course: 3-5 hours of work per week (including discussion, assignments, readings, research)
Learning Outcomes
Critical Performance Statement:
Apply a systematic process for evaluating the effectiveness of a learning intervention by considering the "event" itself, the learning, performance on the job, and organizational impact.
Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the importance of Evaluation in assessing the effectiveness of a successful learning solution.
- Review and critique five Evaluation Models, and describe how they can be used in the workplace.
- Create an evaluation strategy by selecting evaluation instruments appropriate to types of learning and level of evaluation.
- Design and develop evaluation instruments.
- Analyze data and develop recommendations in order to present an evaluation report to a workplace client/stakeholder.
Learning Evaluation Plan:
- Collaboration: Online Discussion
- Active, reflective contributions to the weekly discussion groups is an essential requirement for your success in the course.
- Individual Work: Toolkit and Learning Journal
- Group Research Activity and Presentation
- Individual Work: Evaluation Instrument Creation
- Group Work: Making Recommendations
Course can be applied towards
Adult Learning and Development: Compulsory Courses
Full Course Details
Section Title:
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Total Hours:
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Course Fee(s):
Section Note(s):
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: May 1, 2025, 11:59pm EST. If the "Add to Cart" button is still available, late registration is possible for this course.
Note: This course is facilitator-led and paced into asynchronous weekly modules. Learners will be assessed based on a combination of individual assignments, group assignments, and consistent engagement in weekly online discussions.
You will need a device connected to the internet to access the online learning platform from a browser. While there are no set class meeting times, your facilitator may host live sessions via Zoom (optional, but recommended). Dates and times for these sessions will be announced in-course.
Withdrawal and Refund Policy:
Requests for withdrawal, transfers and refunds must be made ahead of course start dates. You can find our withdrawal, refund and transfer policy under Policies & Guidelines
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