Funding Opportunities

Learn about external and internal funding opportunities to support your learning and Professional goals.


Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) for Micro-Credentials

Many of OISE CPL's courses are approved micro-credentials. Micro-credentials are rapid training programs offered by postsecondary education institutions across the province that can help you get the skills that employers need. Micro-credentials help people retrain and upgrade their skills to find new employment. OSAP is open to eligible Ontario residents of any age who are: Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons.  Visit U of T’s Registrar’s Office for more info and next steps. 

Better Jobs Ontario

You may qualify for Better Jobs Ontario if you either:  
      • have been laid-off and have not been working or are working a temporary job just to cover costs;   
      • have not been laid-off but have been unemployed for six months or longer and are part of a low-income household.  
To apply to Better Jobs Ontario, you’ll work with an Employment Ontario agency where staff are trained to help you decide if this program is right for you as well as help you to complete your application. Visit site for eligibility.   

Canada Ontario Jobs Grant (COJG)

Grant application must be submitted by employer. All people who are: residents of Ontario and either a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, and meet the eligibility requirements below, are eligible to participate in training funded through the Canada-Ontario Job Grant.  Eligibility requirements are as follows: 
        • Employed individuals must be identified by their employer. 
        • Unemployed individuals must also be sponsored by an employer, demonstrated through a permanent or conditional offer of employment. 
        • An individual must not be participating in full-time training or education or any other government training intervention that offers funding support for same tuition, books or other training-related costs (e.g., Second Career). 

Canada Training Credit

The Canada training credit (CTC) is a refundable tax credit available to help Canadians with the cost of eligible training fees.

Ontario Teachers' Federation (OTF)

Any teacher employed in Ontario’s publicly funded school system, who successfully completes a Math, Technology or Kindergarten AQ or ABQ, is eligible for a subsidy. 

Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association

Each year, the Joan Kamps Memorial Bursaries of up to $1,000.00 are awarded to individual members. Members currently in the pre-degree categories who are taking undergraduate courses shall be given priority as applicants. Members who wish to pursue post-graduate studies or professional development activities as lifelong learning are also eligible.  



Educational Funding Opportunities at UofT

The University of Toronto has recently extended its staff tuition assistance for non-credit, continuing education courses across many faculties for USW employees groups. This means that eligible USW employees may qualify for tuition assistance for the courses we offer at CPL. Please contact your Divisional Human Resources Office about your eligibility and how to apply.