

French as a Second Language - Senior

Ce cours explore les programmes d'enseignement de français langue seconde (FLS), les initiatives du Ministère de l'éducation et les tendances liées à l'apprentissage de FLS, de la pédagogie équitable, anti-oppressive et anticoloniale du point de vue de l'enseignement au palier supérieur.

Ce cours utilise une pédagogie critique pour explorer les fondements théoriques reliés à l'apprentissage de FLS, la planification, l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre des programmes de FLS, la conception et les pratiques pédagogiques, l'évaluation, l'environnement d'apprentissage, la recherche et les considérations éthiques liées à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage de FLS dans les écoles de langue anglaise de l'Ontario. À travers ce cours, les candidates et les candidats réfléchissent à et utilisent les meilleures pratiques en explorant de nouvelles tendances afin de créer de la programmation équitable, équilibrée et novatrice.

The Additional Basic Qualification – Senior Course: French as a Second Language (FSL) equips participants with strategies, purposeful material, and a variety of learning opportunities to create, reflect on, and develop best practices in program planning for FSL classes for grades 11 and 12 classes in Ontario’s English-language schools. Major themes include promoting and developing students’ skills across listening, speaking, reading, and writing; equitable and inclusive programming; effective assessment and evaluation; innovation in program planning and technology use, and amplifying diverse voices in the teaching and learning of FSL. This course provides participants with the opportunity to explore the French as a Second Language (FSL) curriculum, Ministry of Education initiatives and trends related to FSL learning, equitable and anti-oppressive and anti-colonial pedagogy from the perspective of a classroom teacher and teacher-leader with secondary school students and a wide cross-section of school communities.



  1. Certificate of Qualification:
    Must be a registered member of the Ontario College of Teachers.
  2. Post-Secondary Education:

    Must hold an acceptable post-secondary degree or equivalent qualifications.

  3. 5 Full University Degree Credits in French:
    Official transcript(s) showing proof of successful completion of 5.0 university degree credits in French. Courses must be related to French Studies. Courses in other subjects but taught in French will not be considered. For example, a French Literature course is acceptable, a Greek and Roman History course taught in French would not be acceptable.


1.0 university degree credits is the equivalent to 1 full year course, or, 2 half-year courses.


Successful completion is a final grade of C-

Upon successful completion of the course, a recommendation will be sent to the Ontario College of Teachers.










Full Course Details

Section Title:

French as a Second Language - Senior

Enrolment Session:

2025 Summer



Total Hours:



10 Jul 2025 to 31 Jul 2025

Delivery Option:


Course Fee(s):



Section Note(s):


This session will run for 3 weeks intensively. Your learning will take the form of in-depth online discussions as well as group and individual assignments. Learners will be expected to engage in approximately 40 hours of learning per week for a total of 125 hours:

  • 100 hours online learning (asynchronous, but facilitator-led and paced into modules)
  • 25 hours assignments and independent study

Registration Deadline: July 3, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST

Once registered, please visit the Learner Portal to submit your course application and any related documents by the registration deadline (we recommend doing so from a computer for the best user experience)

Requests for withdrawal, transfers and refunds must be made ahead of course start dates. You can find our withdrawal, refund and transfer policy under Policies & Guidelines

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